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Disconnect Notice

Cut-off days are the 2nd Tuesday of every month.  The cut-off day for DECEMBER will be Tuesday 12/10/24.

To avoid any disruption of service and fee, any balance remaining from the November 1 due date, noted on the current December 1 due bill as past due, must be paid before 4pm on Monday 12/09/24. Please note the multiple bill payment options listed on the customer service tab under bill payment!

A penalty fee will still apply to any balance remaining after the 10th of every month.  Again, if a PAST DUE is noted on the left side of the current bill, that amount must be paid no later than 4pm on the Monday before cutoff day. 

Once the work order is created for water service disconnection, the FULL balance due, plus a reconnection fee must be paid in full.  Any payments made after disconnection need to be completed no later than 3:30pm to restore service the same day.  Any request for turn on after that time will incur an after hours service call fee.